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19. Network gateways

Network gateways connect SDN Private Networks to external IP networks. Currently the service supports NAT gateways which enable outbound Internet connections from SDN Private Networks via SDN routers.

The network gateway service is attached to an SDN router. It can be utilized by one or more SDN private networks attached to the same router. For traffic to land on the network gateway your servers must have the SDN router as their next hop for any destinations you wish to route through the network gateway service.

Available features

Feature Description
nat NAT gateway is a network address translation (NAT) service that offers a way for cloud servers in SDN private networks to connect to the Internet through the public IP assigned to the network gateway service

List services

Returns a list of network gateway services.


GET /1.3/gateway HTTP/1.1

Query parameters

Attribute Accepted value Default value Required Description
limit 0-100 10 no Number of entries to receive at most.
offset >= 0 0 no Offset for retrieved results.
label String representation of a label. no Filter by label. See labels usage.

Normal response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "configured_status": "started",
    "created_at": "2022-12-01T09:04:08.529138Z",
    "features": [
    "name": "example-gateway",
    "operational_state": "running",
    "routers": [
        "created_at": "2022-12-01T09:04:08.529138Z",
        "uuid": "0485d477-8d8f-4c97-9bef-731933187538"
    "updated_at": "2022-12-01T19:04:08.529138Z",
    "uuid": "10c153e0-12e4-4dea-8748-4f34850ff55d",
    "zone": "fi-hel1"



A label is structured as K/V pair with both the key and value as strings. Label Key (Lowercased alphabet (a-z), any number (0-9), 1-32 characters) Label Value (0-255 characters)

Get service details

Returns network gateway service by given {service_uuid}.


GET /1.3/gateway/{service_uuid} HTTP/1.1

Normal response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "configured_status": "started",
  "created_at": "2022-12-01T09:04:08.529138Z",
  "features": [
  "name": "example-gateway",
  "operational_state": "running",
  "routers": [
      "created_at": "2022-12-01T09:04:08.529138Z",
      "uuid": "0485d477-8d8f-4c97-9bef-731933187538"
  "labels": [
  "updated_at": "2022-12-01T19:04:08.529138Z",
  "uuid": "10c153e0-12e4-4dea-8748-4f34850ff76d",
  "zone": "fi-hel1"


Create service

Creates a new network gateway service.


POST /1.3/gateway HTTP/1.1
  "name": "example-gateway",
  "zone": "fi-hel1",
  "features": [
  "routers": [
      "uuid": "0485d477-8d8f-4c97-9bef-731933187538"
  "labels": [
  "configured_status": "started"


Attribute Accepted value Required Description
name 1-64 characters, regexp pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$ yes The name of the service must be unique within customer account.
features An array of 1 or more gateway features. yes See Available features for support features.
zone A valid zone identifier, e.g. fi-hel1 yes Zone in which the service will be hosted, e.g. fi-hel1. Only public zones are supported currently.
routers An array of 1 router object. yes Attached Routers from where traffic is routed towards the network gateway service.
configured_status started / stopped yes Service status managed by the customer.
labels An array of 1 or more label no See Label

NOTE: Only one router per network gateway is currently supported.

Normal response

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

Error response

HTTP status Error code Description
402 Payment required INSUFFICIENT_CREDITS Customer account does not have enough credits for the requested action.
400 Bad Request INVALID_REQUEST Validation error.
409 Conflict DUPLICATE_RESOURCE Service for router already exists.

Replace service

Replaces an existing network gateway service by given {service_uuid}


PUT /1.3/gateway/{service_uuid} HTTP/1.1
  "name": "example-gateway",
  "configured_status": "started"


Attribute Accepted value Required Description
name 1-64 characters, regexp pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$ yes The name of the service must be unique within customer account.
configured_status started / stopped yes Service status managed by the customer.
labels An array of 1 or more label no See Label

Normal response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Error response

HTTP status Error code Description
402 Payment required INSUFFICIENT_CREDITS Customer account does not have enough credits for the requested action.
400 Bad Request INVALID_REQUEST Validation error.
404 Not Found RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND Service with provided UUID not found.
409 Conflict DUPLICATE_RESOURCE Service for router already exists.

Modify service

Modifies an existing network gateway service by given {service_uuid}.


PATCH /1.3/gateway/{service_uuid} HTTP/1.1
  "name": "example-gateway",
  "configured_status": "started",
  "labels": [
      "key": "env",
      "value": "testing"


Attribute Accepted value Required Description
name 1-64 characters, regexp pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$ no The name of the service must be unique within customer account.
configured_status started / stopped no Service status managed by the customer.
labels An array of 1 or more label no See Label

Normal response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Error response

HTTP status Error code Description
402 Payment required INSUFFICIENT_CREDITS Customer account does not have enough credits for the requested action.
400 Bad Request INVALID_REQUEST Validation error.
404 Not Found RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND Service with provided UUID not found.

Delete service

Deletes an existing network gateway service by given {service_uuid}.


DELETE /1.3/gateway/{service_uuid} HTTP/1.1

Normal response

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Error response

HTTP status Error code Description
404 Not Found RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND Service with provided UUID not found.

Create service label

Creates a new label by given {service_uuid}.

Labels used for service filtering.

Service labels usage examples

Below are some examples of what certain GET requests might look like.

  • exact match: GET /1.3/gateway?label=env%3Dstaging
  • existence: GET /1.3/gateway?label=env
  • multiple: GET /1.3/gateway?label=env&label=foo%3Dbar
POST /1.3/gateway/{service_uuid}/labels HTTP/1.1
    "key": "foo",
    "value": "bar"


Attribute Accepted value Required Description
key 2-32 characters, regexp pattern ^([a-zA-Z0-9])+([a-zA-Z0-9_-])*$ yes Represents the label identifier. The key is unique within a service.
value 0-255 characters, regexp pattern \A[\p{L}\p{N}\p{P}\p{S}\p{M}\p{Z}]*\z yes Represents the label value.

Normal response

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

Error response

HTTP status Error code Description
402 Payment required INSUFFICIENT_CREDITS Customer account does not have enough credits for the requested action.
400 Bad Request INVALID_REQUEST Validation error.

List service labels

Returns a list of available service labels by given {service_uuid}.


GET /1.3/gateway/{service_uuid}/labels HTTP/1.1

Normal response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        "key": "env",
        "value": "staging"
        "key": "foo",
        "value": "bar"

Get service label details

Returns label details by given {service_uuid} and {key}.


GET /1.3/gateway/{service_uuid}/labels/{key} HTTP/1.1

Normal response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "key": "env",
    "value": "staging"  

Modify service label

Modifies existing label by given {service_uuid} and {key}.


PATCH /1.3/gateway/{service_uuid}/labels/{key} HTTP/1.1
    "key": "env",
    "value": "production"


Attribute Accepted value Required Description
key 2-32 characters, regexp pattern ^([a-zA-Z0-9])+([a-zA-Z0-9_-])*$ no Represents the label identifier. The key is unique within a service.
value 0-255 characters, regexp pattern \A[\p{L}\p{N}\p{P}\p{S}\p{M}\p{Z}]*\z / null no Represents the label value.

Normal response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Delete service label

Deletes existing label by given {service_uuid} and {key}.


DELETE /1.3/gateway/{service_uuid}/labels/{key} HTTP/1.1

Normal response

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Error response

HTTP status Error code Description
404 Not Found RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND Resource not found.


List of router objects should be provided on service create and cannot be changed later. This

Currently, only one router per network gateway is supported.


Attribute Accepted value Required Description
uuid A valid router identifier in UUID format yes Router that will be attached to this network gateway service.

Service configured status

The service configured status indicates the service's current intended status. Managed by the customer.

Status Description
started The service is running.
stopped The service is stopped.

Service operational state

The service operational state indicates the service's current operational, effective state. Managed by the system.

State Description
pending Indicates newly created service or started reconfiguration.
setup-agent Configuring management tool.
setup-link-network Configuring the networking between router and gateway.
setup-server Configuring gateway nodes.
setup-network Configuring network.
setup-gw Configuring gateway.
setup-dns Updating DNS records.
checkup Verifying the gateway is correctly configured and running.
running Indicates service up and running.
delete-dns Removing DNS records.
delete-network Reconfiguring network.
delete-server Deleting gateway nodes.
delete-link-network Deleting the networking between router and gateway.
delete-service Deleting the service.