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16. Managed Databases

A Managed Database is a database-as-a-service which lets customers use a database without the need to set up a server or the database software. The database configuration defines its high-availability, resources, database software version and security parameters.

The Managed Database API allows you to manage the database instances of supported well-known open source database software. Managed Databases are available in every UpCloud zone. The API requests and responses payload are in JSON format only.

Managed Database states

The service state indicates the current status.

State Description
pending Indicates newly created service or started reconfiguration.
setup-network Configuring network.
check-network Check that the network configuration was applied correctly.
setup-peer Configuring SDN network peerings if provided.
setup-service Service is being created or reconfigured.
check-peer Check SDN network peerings was established if provided.
rebuilding Service creation in progress.
rebalancing Service is being upgraded or migrated.
error Service encountered an error that requires user action.
running Indicates service up and running.
stopped Service is stopped.
cleanup-service Cleaning up service resources.
cleanup-network Cleaning up network resources.
delete-service Deleting the service.

Available databases


MySQL is the world’s most popular enterprise-grade open-source relational database management system. Managed Databases utilise MySQL Community Edition which is supported by a huge and active community of open source developers.


PostgreSQL, also known as Postgres, is a free and open-source relational database management system emphasizing extensibility and SQL compliance.

Supported extensions

To get all the available extensions, including the version number of the extension, run select * from pg_available_extensions in your DBaaS managed service for PostgreSQL.


Valkey is an open-source data storage engine that can serve as a key-value database, cache, and message broker. Valkey provides various types of data structures including strings, hashes, lists, sets, and sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps, hyperloglog, geospatial indexes, and streams. Valkey has built-in replication, Lua scripting, LRU eviction, transactions, and different levels of on-disk persistence, and provides high availability via Valkey Sentinel and automatic partitioning with Valkey Cluster.


OpenSearch database is a searchable collection of data that follows the OpenSearch protocol. It is created for various purposes and can be used to standardize search queries across different sources. By using an OpenSearch API, data can be made accessible to a wide range of search engines and tools, allowing for easy discovery and access.

List Managed Database types

Returns a list of available database types. Contains available plans, zones, database versions supported and the configuration properties for each database.


GET /1.3/database/service-types HTTP/1.1

Normal response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "mysql": {
    "name": "mysql",
    "description": "MySQL - Relational Database Management System",
    "latest_available_version": "8.0.26",
    "service_plans": [
        "backup_config_mysql": {
          "interval": 24,
          "max_count": 2,
          "recovery_mode": "pitr"
        "node_count": 1,
        "zones": {
          "zone": [
              "name": "es-mad1"
              "name": "pl-waw1"
              "name": "us-sjo1"
            ... more zones ...
        "plan": "1x1xCPU-2GB-25GB",
        "core_number": 1,
        "storage_size": 25600,
        "memory_amount": 2048
      ... more plans ...
    "properties": {
      "admin_password": {
        "createOnly": true,
        "example": "z66o9QXqKM",
        "maxLength": 256,
        "minLength": 8,
        "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+$",
        "title": "Custom password for admin user. Defaults to random string. This must be set only when a new service is being created.",
        "type": ["string", "null"],
        "user_error": "Must consist of alpha-numeric characters, underscores or dashes"
      "admin_username": {
        "createOnly": true,
        "example": "upadmin",
        "maxLength": 64,
        "pattern": "^[_A-Za-z0-9][-._A-Za-z0-9]{0,63}$",
        "title": "Custom username for admin user. This must be set only when a new service is being created.",
        "type": ["string", "null"],
        "user_error": "Must consist of alpha-numeric characters, dots, underscores or dashes, may not start with dash or dot, max 64 characters"
      "public_access": {
        "default": false,
        "title": "Public Access",
        "type": "boolean",
        "description": "Allow access to the service from the public Internet"
      "sql_mode": {
        "example": "ANSI,TRADITIONAL",
        "maxLength": 1024,
        "pattern": "^[A-Z_]*(,[A-Z_]+)*$",
        "title": "sql_mode",
        "type": "string",
        "user_error": "Must be uppercase alphabetic characters, underscores and commas",
        "description": "Global SQL mode. Set to empty to use MySQL server defaults. When creating a new service and not setting this field UpCloud default SQL mode (strict, SQL standard compliant) will be assigned."
      "sql_require_primary_key": {
        "example": true,
        "title": "sql_require_primary_key",
        "type": "boolean",
        "description": "Require primary key to be defined for new tables or old tables modified with ALTER TABLE and fail if missing. It is recommended to always have primary keys because various functionality may break if any large table is missing them."
      "version": {
        "title": "MySQL major version",
        "type": ["string", "null"],
        "enum": ["8"]
      ... more configurations properties ...
  "pg": {
    "name": "pg",
    "description": "PostgreSQL - Object-Relational Database Management System",
    "latest_available_version": "13.5",
    "service_plans": [
        "backup_config_pg": {
          "interval": 24,
          "max_count": 3,
          "recovery_mode": "pitr"
        "node_count": 1,
        "zones": {
          "zone": [
              "name": "au-syd1"
              "name": "de-fra1"
              "name": "fi-hel2"
              "name": "nl-ams1"
            ... more zones ...
        "plan": "1x1xCPU-2GB-25GB",
        "core_number": 1,
        "storage_size": 25600,
        "memory_amount": 2048
      ... more plans ...
    "properties": {
      "admin_password": {
        "createOnly": true,
        "example": "z66o9QXqKM",
        "maxLength": 256,
        "minLength": 8,
        "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+$",
        "title": "Custom password for admin user. Defaults to random string. This must be set only when a new service is being created.",
        "type": ["string", "null"],
        "user_error": "Must consist of alpha-numeric characters, underscores or dashes"
      "admin_username": {
        "createOnly": true,
        "example": "upadmin",
        "maxLength": 64,
        "pattern": "^[_A-Za-z0-9][-._A-Za-z0-9]{0,63}$",
        "title": "Custom username for admin user. This must be set only when a new service is being created.",
        "type": ["string", "null"],
        "user_error": "Must consist of alpha-numeric characters, dots, underscores or dashes, may not start with dash or dot, max 64 characters"
      "automatic_utility_network_ip_filter": {
        "default": true,
        "title": "Automatic utility network IP Filter",
        "type": "boolean",
        "description": "Automatically allow connections from servers in the utility network within the same zone"
      "public_access": {
        "default": false,
        "title": "Public Access",
        "type": "boolean",
        "description": "Allow access to the service from the public Internet"
      "track_functions": {
        "title": "track_functions",
        "type": "string",
        "description": "Enables tracking of function call counts and time used.",
        "enum": ["all", "pl", "none"]
      "version": {
        "title": "PostgreSQL major version",
        "type": ["string", "null"],
        "enum": ["12", "13"]
      "work_mem": {
        "example": 4,
        "title": "work_mem",
        "type": "integer",
        "description": "Sets the maximum amount of memory to be used by a query operation (such as a sort or hash table) before writing to temporary disk files, in MB. Default is 1MB + 0.075% of total RAM (up to 32MB).",
        "minimum": 1,
        "maximum": 1024
      ... more configurations properties ...

Get Managed Database type details

Returns database type details by given {database_type}. Contains available plans, zones, database versions supported and configuration properties.


GET /1.3/database/service-types/{database_type} HTTP/1.1

Normal response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "mysql": {
    "name": "mysql",
    "description": "MySQL - Relational Database Management System",
    "latest_available_version": "8.0.26",
    "service_plans": [
        "backup_config_msql": {
          "interval": 24,
          "max_count": 2,
          "recovery_mode": "pitr"
        "node_count": 1,
        "zones": {
          "zone": [
              "name": "es-mad1"
              "name": "pl-waw1"
              "name": "us-sjo1"
            ... more zones ...
        "plan": "1x1xCPU-2GB-25GB",
        "core_number": 1,
        "storage_size": 25600,
        "memory_amount": 2048
      ... more plans ...
    "properties": {
      "admin_password": {
        "createOnly": true,
        "example": "z66o9QXqKM",
        "maxLength": 256,
        "minLength": 8,
        "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+$",
        "title": "Custom password for admin user. Defaults to random string. This must be set only when a new service is being created.",
        "type": ["string", "null"],
        "user_error": "Must consist of alpha-numeric characters, underscores or dashes"
      "admin_username": {
        "createOnly": true,
        "example": "upadmin",
        "maxLength": 64,
        "pattern": "^[_A-Za-z0-9][-._A-Za-z0-9]{0,63}$",
        "title": "Custom username for admin user. This must be set only when a new service is being created.",
        "type": ["string", "null"],
        "user_error": "Must consist of alpha-numeric characters, dots, underscores or dashes, may not start with dash or dot, max 64 characters"
      "public_access": {
        "default": false,
        "title": "Public Access",
        "type": "boolean",
        "description": "Allow access to the service from the public Internet"
      "sql_mode": {
        "example": "ANSI,TRADITIONAL",
        "maxLength": 1024,
        "pattern": "^[A-Z_]*(,[A-Z_]+)*$",
        "title": "sql_mode",
        "type": "string",
        "user_error": "Must be uppercase alphabetic characters, underscores and commas",
        "description": "Global SQL mode. Set to empty to use MySQL server defaults. When creating a new service and not setting this field UpCloud default SQL mode (strict, SQL standard compliant) will be assigned."
      "sql_require_primary_key": {
        "example": true,
        "title": "sql_require_primary_key",
        "type": "boolean",
        "description": "Require primary key to be defined for new tables or old tables modified with ALTER TABLE and fail if missing. It is recommended to always have primary keys because various functionality may break if any large table is missing them."
      "version": {
        "title": "MySQL major version",
        "type": ["string", "null"],
        "enum": ["8"]
      ... more configurations properties ...

Get Managed Databases certificate authority (CA)

Returns the CA certificate. Every customer main account has a private Certificate Authority (CA) that signs certificates for internal use. Managed Database service types, such as PostgreSQL, use it for external connections. To access these services, you must download and configure the certificate on your browser or client.


GET /1.3/database/certificate HTTP/1.1

Normal response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "certificate": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\naxxxxxxxxxxxxx+tkP9Uh9+PxxxxxcNAQEM\nBQAwOjE4MDYGA1UEAwwvZWYzMTc1xxxxxxxxxx0YjM2OWIz\nM2RkIFByb2plY3QgQ0EwHhcNMjEwMzMwMDgxNDU0WhcNMzEwMzI4MDgxNDU0WjA6\nMTgwNgYDVQQDDC9lZjMxNzU1NC1lNzYzLTQ5ZjUtODI4Ni1lZDRiMzY5YjMzZGQg\nUHJvamVjdCBDQTCCAaIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQxxxxggGBAK1Vh4GR\nlfxPZ3Icw8E1WlS5+9rADOdrstYtL3oiHBqzljmjvKf1Vuu0LLHtszWrCElOvoZ4\nzhg6+yVIB9YcvTZJNU0BNlIilF0rafn/40pFjeKrtxxxxxxxxxxy48Hnk\nMAiqoRyJ6hGRpYmKVip2sbMEtI+X9xQahlhlTMLo9082gS2hI5nvmhDqRiOlly28\ntwr2I/nbsIao8pIE19bdptKVqrv9x+O51O2JK7NlyjxnJVaHS9Tv6z1gG0GZgzYW\nkram1U8oTu72cjvGhMIBhgz7AlQ74PMtAub/eH4hipGU4LDZQiZ+9kCT+FCD9uAq\nIq+ALiLPHTCaGiKTJYoerutgrmrz1HZp6RmxRc8Wk7MdPp8OHqSXUnewKSGlzEl3\nhlJ5UMOVQ+tSDffAuvA6phUS0mmm1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxMcrVE8AjbF5nkieOV0r6hIwIDAQAB\noz8wPTAdBgNVHQ4EFxxxxgQUHTUNeVDpSFx8fjq9xxxxxxxxFDnqn8xY0iAwDwYDVR0TBAgwBgEB\n/wIBADALBgNxxxxxxxxxxLtt8qOjsbvS\nYZtePpqZjx7NkmFdScc0LOBj6oXFetcJlhLQKzrguQDi/trt29sxjZZ5zLnQufnE\ns8IYtbclhDbF0qGG15oP8tYVRXfzKLHF4HfuMrdiyqzF/q6Qy0fVIiFWD7t1it8V\nPLqlk9oFDL7xUnsZOfYcqv8Ct+aWE7L73gJVgUkDHP+gkdGTWKYm4zzYTLfqh1Iu\nyivOjn+KSyjjtsJsOGUDZBkh215OMKPp4JpWQpgQeK6kjTnwuMwEYYFyhfu/z5wU\nwN7z7Ad39fyGmQzkGbFXtP0te4MFElOVSkiHaB4T4lTM6690st6+uIhFI1Qo/oAY\n30ybOpOTLF7FZxwY5Z+BTW27hytyECLkG3b4iKIqKsRIvlFkwKP8cfKjq7ImSbBG\nOJ8JBcraffygrLznbJ2979Y9yN+n+8wW0xxxxxxxxxxov24snxDmm6fAMoO1\nxBM7c2KZA5ZoZDefcz9e28r7xxxx==\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"

List Managed Databases

Returns a list of all available Managed Database services. Depending on their database type, Managed Databases services will have different details.


GET /1.3/database HTTP/1.1

Query parameters

Attribute Accepted value Default value Required Description
limit 0-100 10 no Number of entries to receive at most.
offset >= 0 0 no Offset for retrieved results.

Normal response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "backups": [
        "backup_name": "backup-2022-01-06T12:36:06.739000Z",
        "backup_time": "2022-01-06T12:36:06.739000Z",
        "data_size": 36464640
        "backup_name": "backup-2022-01-07T12:36:06.261000Z",
        "backup_time": "2022-01-07T12:36:06.261000Z",
        "data_size": 36413440
      ... more backups based on your plan ...
    "components": [
        "component": "pg",
        "host": "",
        "port": 11550,
        "route": "dynamic",
        "usage": "primary"
        "component": "pg",
        "host": "",
        "port": 11550,
        "route": "dynamic",
        "usage": "replica"
        "component": "pg",
        "host": "",
        "port": 11550,
        "route": "public",
        "usage": "primary"
        "component": "pg",
        "host": "",
        "port": 11550,
        "route": "public",
        "usage": "replica"
        "component": "pgbouncer",
        "host": "",
        "port": 11551,
        "route": "dynamic",
        "usage": "primary"
        "component": "pgbouncer",
        "host": "",
        "port": 11551,
        "route": "dynamic",
        "usage": "replica"
        "component": "pgbouncer",
        "host": "",
        "port": 11551,
        "route": "public",
        "usage": "primary"
        "component": "pgbouncer",
        "host": "",
        "port": 11551,
        "route": "public",
        "usage": "replica"
    "connection_pools": [
        "connection_uri": "postgres://",
        "database": "defaultdb",
        "pool_mode": "session",
        "pool_name": "pool-1",
        "pool_size": 50,
        "username": "upadmin"
    "create_time": "2022-01-04T09:36:14Z",
    "maintenance": {
      "pending_updates": [
          "deadline": "2022-01-21T12:21:00Z",
          "description": "description related to the update",
          "start_after": "2022-01-21T12:21:00Z",
          "start_at": "2022-01-21T12:21:00Z"
      "dow": "sunday",
      "time": "05:00:00"
    "name": "pg-2x2xcpu-4gb-50gb-de-fra1",
    "node_count": 2,
    "node_states": [
        "name": "pg-2x2xcpu-4gb-50gb-de-fra1-1",
        "role": "master",
        "state": "running"
        "name": "pg-2x2xcpu-4gb-50gb-de-fra1-2",
        "role": "standby",
        "state": "running"
    "plan": "2x2xCPU-4GB-50GB",
    "powered": true,
    "metadata": {
      "max_connections": 200,
      "pg_version": "13.5",
      "write_block_threshold_exceeded": false
    "properties": {
      "automatic_utility_network_ip_filter": false,
      "ip_filter": [""],
      "public_access": true,
      "version": "13"
    "uuid": "09d9d824-8b3e-4a57-a9b3-77ec51fd5c84",
    "state": "running",
    "title": "pg-2x2xcpu-4gb-50gb-de-fra1",
    "type": "pg",
    "update_time": "2022-01-04T09:36:24Z",
    "service_uri": "postgres://",
    "service_uri_params": {
      "dbname": "defaultdb",
      "host": "",
      "password": "example-prefix-project",
      "port": "11550",
      "ssl_mode": "require",
      "user": "upadmin"
    "users": [
        "username": "upadmin",
        "type": "primary"
    "termination_protection": false,
    "zone": "de-fra1"

Get Managed Database details

Returns details of a Managed Database service by its {uuid}.


GET /1.3/database/{uuid} HTTP/1.1

Normal response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "backups": [
    "backup_name": "backup-2022-01-06T12:36:06.739000Z",
    "backup_time": "2022-01-06T12:36:06.739000Z",
    "data_size": 36464640
    "backup_name": "backup-2022-01-07T12:36:06.261000Z",
    "backup_time": "2022-01-07T12:36:06.261000Z",
    "data_size": 36413440
   ... more backups based on your plan ...
  "components": [
    "component": "pg",
    "host": "",
    "port": 11550,
    "route": "dynamic",
    "usage": "primary"
    "component": "pg",
    "host": "",
    "port": 11550,
    "route": "dynamic",
    "usage": "replica"
    "component": "pg",
    "host": "",
    "port": 11550,
    "route": "public",
    "usage": "primary"
    "component": "pg",
    "host": "",
    "port": 11550,
    "route": "public",
    "usage": "replica"
    "component": "pgbouncer",
    "host": "",
    "port": 11551,
    "route": "dynamic",
    "usage": "primary"
    "component": "pgbouncer",
    "host": "",
    "port": 11551,
    "route": "dynamic",
    "usage": "replica"
    "component": "pgbouncer",
    "host": "",
    "port": 11551,
    "route": "public",
    "usage": "primary"
    "component": "pgbouncer",
    "host": "",
    "port": 11551,
    "route": "public",
    "usage": "replica"
  "connection_pools": [
    "connection_uri": "postgres://",
    "database": "defaultdb",
    "pool_mode": "session",
    "pool_name": "pool-1",
    "pool_size": 50,
    "username": "upadmin"
  "create_time": "2022-01-04T09:36:14Z",
  "maintenance": {
   "pending_updates": [
      "deadline": "2022-01-21T12:21:00Z",
      "description": "description related to the update",
      "start_after": "2022-01-21T12:21:00Z",
      "start_at": "2022-01-21T12:21:00Z"
   "dow": "sunday",
   "time": "05:00:00"
  "name": "pg-2x2xcpu-4gb-50gb-de-fra1",
  "node_count": 2,
  "node_states": [
    "name": "pg-2x2xcpu-4gb-50gb-de-fra1-1",
    "role": "master",
    "state": "running"
    "name": "pg-2x2xcpu-4gb-50gb-de-fra1-2",
    "role": "standby",
    "state": "running"
  "plan": "2x2xCPU-4GB-50GB",
  "powered": true,
  "metadata": {
    "max_connections": 200,
    "pg_version": "13.5",
    "write_block_threshold_exceeded": false
  "properties": {
   "automatic_utility_network_ip_filter": false,
   "ip_filter": [
   "public_access": true,
   "version": "13"
  "uuid": "09d9d824-8b3e-4a57-a9b3-77ec51fd5c84",
  "state": "running",
  "title": "pg-2x2xcpu-4gb-50gb-de-fra1",
  "type": "pg",
  "update_time": "2022-01-04T09:36:24Z",
  "service_uri": "postgres://",
  "service_uri_params": {
   "dbname": "defaultdb",
   "host": "",
   "password": "example-prefix-project",
   "port": "11550",
   "ssl_mode": "require",
   "user": "upadmin"
  "users": [
    "username": "upadmin",
    "type": "primary"
  "termination_protection": false,
  "zone": "de-fra1"

Get Managed Database versions

Returns available versions of the Managed Database service by its {uuid}.


GET /1.3/database/{uuid}/versions HTTP/1.1

Normal response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
["10", "11", "12", "13", "14"]

Create Managed Database

Creates a new Managed Database instance.

New databases are started by default. An initial backup is created automatically on startup and the API will be fully functional only after this backup has been created. The creation might take a while. Note that different databases have different properties that can be passed on creation.


POST /1.3/database HTTP/1.1
  "hostname_prefix": "doc-api-unique-prefix",
  "plan": "1x1xCPU-2GB-25GB",
  "title": "my-managed-database",
  "type": "mysql",
  "zone": "de-fra1",
  "maintenance": {
    "dow": "sunday",
    "time": "05:00:00"
  "termination_protection": false,
  "properties": {
    "automatic_utility_network_ip_filter": true,
    "version": "8",
    "ip_filter": []
    ... more database type-specific configuration properties ...
  "networks": [
      "name": "example-network-1",
      "type": "private",
      "family": "IPv4",
      "uuid": "03631160-d57a-4926-ad48-a2f828229dcb"
      "name": "example-network-2",
      "type": "private",
      "family": "IPv4",
      "uuid": "03631160-d57a-4926-ad48-a2f828229dcb"
  "labels": [
      "key": "env",
      "value": "staging"
      "key": "foo",
      "value": "bar"


Attribute Accepted value Required Description
hostname_prefix 3-30 characters yes Managed Database service unique prefix.
title 3-256 characters yes Managed Database service name.
plan A valid plan identifier yes Plan which the service will have, see service_plans in Managed Database type details.
zone A valid zone identifier yes Zone in which the service will be hosted, e.g. fi-hel1.
type mysql / pg / valkey yes Database type for the Managed Database service.
maintenance.dow Full name of weekday in English, lower case ("sunday") no Service automatic maintenance day of the week. Set randomly if not provided.
maintenance.time Time in UTC of automatic maintenance HH:MM:SS no Service automatic maintenance time. Set randomly if not provided.
properties database type-specific 'createOnly' properties yes Service type-specific 'createOnly' configurations, see properties in Managed Database type details.
termination_protection boolean no Prevents the managed service from being powered off, or deleted.
networks An array of 1-8 network objects no Attached Networks from where traffic consumed and routed. Private networks must reside in service zone.
labels An array of 0-255 labels objects / null no Labels used for service filtering, see labels usage

Normal response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

State error

When the service encounters an error during the state transition that is not recoverable, the service details response will include a state_error field containing details about the error and possible action needed from the user.

  "zone": "de-fra1",
  "maintenance": {
  "state": "error",
  "state_error": {
    "setup-service": "failed to setup service 'service-name'..."
  "termination_protection": false,
  "networks": [

Error responses

HTTP status Error code Description
409 Conflict SERVICE_EXISTS A service with the supplied {hostname_prefix} already exists.
400 Bad Request VALIDATION_ERROR Must provide a {zone}, {plan}, {type} and {hostname_prefix}.
400 Bad Request VALIDATION_ERROR Service {hostname_prefix} is too short, min length is 3 character.
400 Bad Request VALIDATION_ERROR Service {hostname_prefix} is too long, max length is 30 character.
400 Bad Request VALIDATION_ERROR Unrecognized service {type} / {plan} / {zone}.
400 Bad Request SERVICE_ERROR Invalid {property} : Invalid input for {property_key} : {property_value} is not {expected_value}.

Modify Managed Database

Modifies Managed Database service details by its {uuid} including upgrading plans, migration to other zones and database type-specific configurations.


PATCH /1.3/database HTTP/1.1
  "title": "my-managed-database",
  "powered": true,
  "plan": "1x1xCPU-2GB-25GB",
  "zone": "de-fra1",
  "maintenance": {
    "dow": "sunday",
    "time": "12:00:00"
  "termination_protection": false,
  "properties": {
    "automatic_utility_network_ip_filter": true,
    "version": "8",
    "ip_filter": []
  "networks": [
      "name": "example-network-1",
      "type": "private",
      "family": "IPv4",
      "uuid": "03631160-d57a-4926-ad48-a2f828229dcb"


Attribute Accepted value Required Description
title 3-256 characters no Managed Database service name.
powered true / false no Power on/off the Managed Database service.
plan A valid plan identifier no Plan to which the service will be upgraded, see service_plans in Managed Database type details.
zone A valid zone identifier no Zone to which the service will be migrated, e.g. fi-hel1.
maintenance.dow Full name of weekday in English, lower case ("sunday") no Service automatic maintenance day of the week.
maintenance.time Time in UTC of automatic maintenance HH:MM:SS no Service automatic maintenance time.
properties database type-specific properties no Service type-specific configurations, see properties in Managed Database type details.
termination_protection boolean no Prevents the managed service from being powered off, or deleted.
networks An array of 1-8 network objects no Attached Networks from where traffic consumed and routed. Private networks must reside in service zone.
labels An array of 0-255 labels objects / null no Labels used for service filtering, see labels usage

Error responses

HTTP status Error code Description
403 Forbidden SERVICE_ERROR Service is protected against termination and shutdown. Remove termination protection first.
409 Conflict SERVICE_EXISTS A service with the supplied {hostname_prefix} already exists.
400 Bad Request VALIDATION_ERROR Must provide a {zone}, {plan}, {type} and {hostname_prefix}.
400 Bad Request VALIDATION_ERROR Service {hostname_prefix} is too short, min length is 3 character.
400 Bad Request VALIDATION_ERROR Service {hostname_prefix} is too long, max length is 30 character.
400 Bad Request VALIDATION_ERROR Unrecognized service {type} / {plan} / {zone}.
400 Bad Request SERVICE_ERROR Invalid {property} : Invalid input for {property_key} : {property_value} is not {expected_value}.

Delete Managed Database

Deletes a specified Managed Database. All data will be erased and lost, including backups. If the service is not powered off, it will be powered off before deletion.

The state of the service can be anything.


DELETE /1.3/database/{uuid} HTTP/1.1

Normal response

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Error responses

HTTP status Error code Description
403 Forbidden SERVICE_ERROR Service is protected against termination and shutdown. Remove termination protection first.
404 Not Found SERVICE_NOT_FOUND Service not found.

Attach SDN network

Attaches an SDN network to a Managed Database service by its {uuid}.


POST /1.3/database/{uuid}/networks HTTP/1.1
    "name": "example-private-network",
    "uuid": "03bec0ad-85c3-459e-824d-710f8f24f740",
    "type": "private",
    "family": "IPv4"


Attribute Accepted value Required Description
name 1-64 characters, regexp pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$ yes The name of the network must be unique within the service.
uuid A valid network uuid yes Private network uuid.
type private yes The type of the network.
family IPv4 yes Network family. IPv6 currently not supported.

Normal response

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

Error response

HTTP status Error code Description
402 Payment required INSUFFICIENT_CREDITS Customer account does not have enough credits for the requested action.
400 Bad Request INVALID_REQUEST Validation error.

List attached SDN networks

Returns a list of attached SDN networks to a Managed Database service by its {uuid}.


GET /1.3/database/{uuid}/networks HTTP/1.1

Normal response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      "uuid": "03aa7245-2ff9-49c8-9f0e-7ca0270d71a4",
      "name": "example-private-network",
      "family": "IPv4",
      "type": "private"

Get attached SDN network details

Returns the attached SDN network details to service by its {uuid} and {network_name}.


GET /1.3/database/{uuid}/networks/{network_name} HTTP/1.1

Normal response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "uuid": "03aa7245-2ff9-49c8-9f0e-7ca0270d71a4",
  "name": "example-private-network",
  "family": "IPv4",
  "type": "private"

Detach SDN network

Detaches an existing SDN network from a Managed Database service by its {uuid} and {network_name}.


DELETE /1.3/database/{uuid}/networks/{network_name} HTTP/1.1

Normal response

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Error response

HTTP status Error code Description
404 Not Found RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND Resource not found.

Get Service network peering status

Returns networks peering status for a service by its {uuid}. Only available for services using SDN private networks.


GET /1.3/database/{uuid}/peering-status HTTP/1.1

Normal response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "create_time": "2023-12-05T09:54:04Z",
  "update_time": "2023-12-05T09:54:09Z",
  "state": "active",
  "network_peerings": [
      "create_time": "2023-12-05T09:54:15Z",
      "update_time": "2023-12-05T09:56:13Z",
      "network_peer": "03196597-b972-4815-ba3a-85bb18365ced",
      "state": "active",
      "state_info": "The peering is in active state"
      "create_time": "2023-12-05T09:54:15Z",
      "update_time": "2023-12-05T09:56:13Z",
      "network_peer": "03ca2397-1026-44ef-ad0c-0c6a3cb43694",
      "state": "active",
      "state_info": "The peering is in active state"
      "create_time": "2023-12-05T09:54:15Z",
      "update_time": "2023-12-05T09:56:13Z",
      "network_peer": "03d377e8-d449-4e68-9975-a8a0718e4e07",
      "state": "active",
      "state_info": "The peering is in active state"

Get Managed Database task details (MySQL / PostgreSQL)

Returns task details of a Managed Database service by its {uuid} and the task {id} obtained from Create Managed Database task.


GET /1.3/database/{uuid}/tasks/{id} HTTP/1.1

Normal response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "create_time": "2022-10-04T12:21:42Z",
  "operation": "mysql_migration_check",
  "id": "9b39f10d-e356-437b-b907-d6d5574721b2",
  "result_codes": [],
  "result": "All pre-checks passed successfully, preferred migration method will be [Replication]",
  "success": true

Create Managed Database task (MySQL / PostgreSQL)

Creates a task that checks for potential errors before starting a migration or upgrade for a Managed Database service by its {uuid}. There are two types of operations: sync and async. Synchronous operation returns the result on the same request. Asynchronous requests require tracking using Get Managed Database task details until the task is complete.

Migration check task (MySQL / PostgreSQL)


POST /1.3/database/{uuid}/tasks HTTP/1.1
  "migration_check": {
    "source_service_uri": "postgresql://username:password@hostname:port/init_db",
    "method": "dump",
    "ignore_dbs": "db_name_1,db_name_2"
  "operation": "migration_check"


Attribute Accepted value Required Description
operation migration_check yes Operation name for the service task.
migration_check Migration object yes Embedded migration check fields.
source_service_uri A valid database connection string yes Database connection string.
method dump / replication no Database migration method.
ignore_dbs A Comma-separated list of databases names no Comma-separated list of databases to be ignored. Only supported for MySQL.

Normal response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "create_time": "2022-09-22T07:22:15Z",
  "operation": "pg_migration_check",
  "id": "b32bb2e0-30dd-41b1-bb83-3de6806546a5",
  "operation_type": "async"

Upgrade check task (PostgreSQL)


POST /1.3/database/{uuid}/tasks HTTP/1.1
  "target_version": "14",
  "operation": "upgrade_check"


Attribute Accepted value Required Description
operation upgrade_check yes Operation name for the service task.
target_version Major version number as a string yes Targeted major version number for the check. Check available versions from Get Managed Database versions.

Normal response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "create_time": "2022-09-20T12:59:30Z",
  "result": "ok *Clusters are compatible*",
  "operation": "pg_upgrade_check",
  "success": true,
  "source_pg_version": "12",
  "target_pg_version": "14",
  "id": "96d1f15f-38c6-48b0-87ff-f62c2029338d",
  "operation_type": "sync"

Get External Database migration status (MySQL / PostgreSQL)

Returns details about the migration progress over time of a Managed database service by its {uuid}.


GET /1.3/database/{uuid}/migration-status HTTP/1.1

Normal response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "method": "replication",
  "seconds_behind_master": 0,
  "source_active": true,
  "status": "done",
  "databases": [
      "dbname": "defaultdb",
      "method": "replication",
      "status": "syncing"

Create External Database migration (MySQL / PostgreSQL)

Creates a migration process from an External Database to a Managed Database service by its {uuid}. Supports both dump and replication. It's recommended to determine in advance if the migration is possible between an External Database and a Managed Database service using Create Managed Database task: Migration check. Once the migration is started, you can track its progress using Get External Database migration status.

Note: To avoid unexpected migration failures or data losses to your Managed Database, the migration should be run on a new and empty Managed Database service.


PATCH /1.3/database/{uuid} HTTP/1.1
  "properties": {
    "migration": {
      "dbname": "source_db_name",
      "host": "",
      "method": "replication",
      "ignore_dbs": "db_name_1,db_name_2",
      "password": "source_password@123",
      "port": 3306,
      "ssl": true,
      "username": "source_username"


Attribute Accepted value Required Description
migration Migration object / null yes Embedded migration fields.
host A valid hostname yes Hostname for source database connection.
username A valid username yes Username for source database connection.
password A valid password yes Password for source database connection.
dbname A valid database name no Database name for source database to initiate connection.
ignore_dbs A Comma-separated list of databases names no Comma-separated list of databases to be ignored. Only supported for MySQL.
method dump / replication no Force a method when running the migration. Only supported for MySQL and Valkey.
port 1-65535 yes Post for the source database connection.
ssl true / false yes SSL settings for source database connection.

Normal response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Upgrade Managed Database (PostgreSQL)

Upgrades your PostgreSQL Managed Database service database to a newer major version. Downgrades are not permitted.


POST /1.3/database/{uuid}/upgrade HTTP/1.1
  "target_version": "version_number"


Attribute Accepted value Required Description
target_version version number as a string yes Targeted major version number for the upgrade. Check available versions from Get Managed Database versions.

Normal response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Error responses

HTTP status Error code Description
400 Bad Request SERVICE_ERROR PostgreSQL major version downgrade is not possible.

Start maintenance updates Managed Database

Start maintenance updates for your Managed Database service if any updates are pending.


PUT /1.3/database/{uuid}/start-maintenance HTTP/1.1

Normal response

HTTP status Description
200 OK maintenance started.
200 OK service is up to date, maintenance not required.

Clone Managed Database

Creates a clone of a Managed Database service based on its {uuid}. It is possible to change location, plans and use the point in time feature to clone your service at a specific time using your backups.


POST /1.3/database/{uuid}/clone HTTP/1.1
  "title": "new-title",
  "hostname_prefix": "new-hostname-prefix",
  "clone_time": "2022-01-21T12:21:00Z",
  "plan": "1x1xCPU-2GB-25GB",
  "zone": "fi-hel1",
  "maintenance": {
    "dow": "sunday",
    "time": "12:00:00"
  "properties": {
    "automatic_utility_network_ip_filter": false,
    "version": "13",
    "public_access": true,
    "ip_filter": [""]


Attribute Accepted value Default value Required Description
title 3-256 characters yes New title for the cloned service.
hostname_prefix 3-30 characters yes New unique hostname prefix for cloned service.
clone_time timestamp in RFC 3339 format (UTC) ( "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z" ) Latest point in time no Only for PostgreSQL and MySQL. Create a clone of your database service data from the backups at the selected point in time.
backup_name A valid backup name Latest created backup if available no Only for Valkey. Create a clone of your database service data from the backups by name.
plan A valid plan identifier Inherited from the cloned service no Change the plan which the cloned service will have, see service_plans in Managed Database type details.
zone A valid zone identifier Inherited from the cloned service no Change the zone in which the cloned service will be hosted, e.g. fi-hel2.
maintenance.dow Full name of weekday in English, lower case ("sunday") Inherited from the cloned service no Service automatic maintenance day of the week.
maintenance.time Time in UTC of automatic maintenance HH:MM:SS Inherited from the cloned service no Service automatic maintenance time.
properties database type-specific 'createOnly' properties Inherited from the cloned service no Service type-specific 'createOnly' configurations, see properties in Managed Database type details.

Normal response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Error responses

HTTP status Error code Description
409 Conflict SERVICE_EXISTS A service with the supplied {hostname_prefix} already exists.
400 Bad Request VALIDATION_ERROR Must provide a {zone}, {plan}, {type} and {hostname_prefix}.
400 Bad Request VALIDATION_ERROR Service {hostname_prefix} is too short, min length is 3 character.
400 Bad Request VALIDATION_ERROR Service {hostname_prefix} is too long, max length is 30 character.
400 Bad Request VALIDATION_ERROR Unrecognized service {type} / {plan} / {zone}.
400 Bad Request SERVICE_ERROR Invalid {property} : Invalid input for {property_key} : {property_value} is not {expected_value}.
400 Bad Request SERVICE_ERROR {clone_time} is beyond the range of oldest available backup available
400 Bad Request SERVICE_ERROR Requested to restore backup {backup_name} but no such backup exists.
400 Bad Request INVALID_REQUEST Invalid {clone_time} Could not decode posted data.

List logs

Returns Managed Database service system-level logs by its {uuid} and optional query parameters {limit}, {offset} and {order}.


GET /1.3/database/{uuid}/logs?limit={limit}&offset={offset}&order={order} HTTP/1.1

Query parameters

Attribute Accepted value Default value Required Description
limit 1-500 100 no Number of entries to receive at most.
offset 1-128 characters no Opaque offset identifier.
order desc / asc desc no Sort order for the logs.

Normal response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "first_log_offset": "1642770443687",
  "offset": "1642770443687",
  "logs": [
      "hostname": "api-doc-hostname",
      "msg": "[10-1] pid=3328089,user=postgres,db=defaultdb,app=[unknown],client=[local] LOG:  connection authorized: user=postgres database=defaultdb",
      "time": "2022-01-21T13:07:23.687241Z",
      "service": "postgresql-13.service"
      "hostname": "pg-2x2xcpu-4gb-50gb-de-fra1-2",
      "msg": "[9-1] pid=3328089,user=[unknown],db=[unknown],app=[unknown],client=[local] LOG:  connection received: host=[local]",
      "time": "2022-01-21T13:07:23.685916Z",
      "service": "postgresql-13.service"

List sessions (MySQL / PostgreSQL / Valkey)

Returns a list of current sessions details for your Managed Database service by its {uuid} and optional query parameters {limit}, {offset} and {order}.


GET /1.3/database/{uuid}/sessions?limit={limit}&offset={offset}&order={order} HTTP/1.1

Query parameters

Attribute Accepted value Default value Required Description
limit 1-5000 10 no Number of entries to receive at most.
offset >= 0 no Offset for retrieved results based on sort order.
order Session content variable and sorting order combined with a colon ( "pid:desc" ) query_duration:desc no Order by Session content variable and sort retrieved results. Limited variables can be used for ordering.

Session content description

Contains information about the returned session variables.


Variable Description
application_name Name of the application that is connected to this service.
backend_start Time when this process was started, i.e., when the client connected to the server.
backend_type Type of current service.
backend_xid Top-level transaction identifier of this service, if any.
backend_xmin The current service's xmin horizon.
client_addr IP address of the client connected to this service. If this field is null, it indicates either that the client is connected via a Unix socket on the server machine or that this is an internal process such as autovacuum.
client_hostname Host name of the connected client, as reported by a reverse DNS lookup of client_addr .
client_port TCP port number that the client is using for communication with this service, or -1 if a Unix socket is used.
datid OID of the database this service is connected to.
datname Name of the database this service is connected to.
id Process ID of this service.
query Text of this service's most recent query. If state is active this field shows the currently executing query. In all other states, it shows the last query that was executed.
query_duration The active query current duration.
query_start Time when the currently active query was started, or if state is not active, when the last query was started.
state Current overall state of this service: active: The service is executing a query, idle: The service is waiting for a new client command.
state_change Time when the state was last changed.
usename Name of the user logged into this service.
usesysid OID of the user logged into this service.
wait_event Wait event name if service is currently waiting.
wait_event_type The type of event for which the service is waiting, if any; otherwise NULL.
xact_start Time when this process' current transaction was started, or null if no transaction is active.


Variable Description
application_name Name of the application that is connected to this service.
client_addr IP address of the client connected to this service.
datname Name of the database this service is connected to.
id Process ID of this service.
query Text of this service's most recent query. If state is active this field shows the currently executing query. In all other states, it shows an empty string.
query_duration The active query current duration.
state Current overall state of this service: active: The service is executing a query, idle: The service is waiting for a new client command.
usename Name of the user logged into this service.


Variable Description
application_name Name of the application that is connected to this service.
active_channel_subscriptions Number of active channel subscriptions
active_database Current database ID
active_pattern_matching_channel_subscriptions Number of pattern matching subscriptions.
client_addr IP address of the client connected to this service.
connection_age Total duration of the connection in nanoseconds.
connection_idle Idle time of the connection in nanoseconds.
flags List of array containing flags description.
flags_raw Client connection flags.
id Process ID of this session.
multi_exec_commands Number of commands in a MULTI/EXEC context.
output_buffer Output buffer length.
output_buffer_memory Output buffer memory usage.
output_list_length Output list length (replies are queued in this list when the buffer is full).
query The last executed command.
query_buffer Query buffer length (0 means no query pending).
query_buffer_free Free space of the query buffer (0 means the buffer is full).

Postgres normal response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "pg": [
      "application_name": "client 1.5.14",
      "backend_start": "2022-01-21T13:26:26.682858Z",
      "backend_type": "client backend",
      "backend_xid": null,
      "backend_xmin": null,
      "client_addr": "",
      "client_hostname": null,
      "client_port": 61264,
      "datid": 16401,
      "datname": "defaultdb",
      "id": "pid_2065031",
      "query": "SELECT \trel.relname, \trel.relkind, \trel.reltuples, \tcoalesce(rel.relpages,0) + coalesce(toast.relpages,0) AS num_total_pages, \tSUM(ind.relpages) AS index_pages, \tpg_roles.rolname AS owner FROM pg_class rel \tleft join pg_class toast on (toast.oid = rel.reltoastrelid) \tleft join pg_index on (indrelid=rel.oid) \tleft join pg_class ind on (ind.oid = indexrelid) \tjoin pg_namespace on (rel.relnamespace =pg_namespace.oid ) \tleft join pg_roles on ( rel.relowner = pg_roles.oid ) WHERE rel.relkind IN ('r','v','m','f','p') AND nspname = 'public'GROUP BY rel.relname, rel.relkind, rel.reltuples, coalesce(rel.relpages,0) + coalesce(toast.relpages,0), pg_roles.rolname;\n",
      "query_duration": 12225858000,
      "query_start": "2022-01-21T13:26:28.63132Z",
      "state": "idle",
      "state_change": "2022-01-21T13:26:28.63388Z",
      "usename": "upadmin",
      "usesysid": 16400,
      "wait_event": "ClientRead",
      "wait_event_type": "Client",
      "xact_start": null

MySQL normal response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "mysql": [
      "application_name": "",
      "client_addr": "",
      "datname": "defaultdb",
      "id": "pid_23325",
      "query": "select\n            ordinal_position,\n            column_name,\n            column_type,\n            column_default,\n            generation_expression,\n            table_name,\n            column_comment,\n            is_nullable,\n            extra,\n            collation_name\n          from information_schema.columns\n          where table_schema = 'performance_schema'\n          order by table_name, ordinal_position",
      "query_duration": 0,
      "state": "active",
      "usename": "upadmin"

Valkey normal response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "valkey": [
      "active_channel_subscriptions": 0,
      "active_database": "",
      "active_pattern_matching_channel_subscriptions": 0,
      "client_addr": "[fff0:fff0:fff0:fff0:0:fff0:fff0:fff0]:39956",
      "connection_age": 2079483000000000,
      "connection_idle": 3000000000,
      "flags": [],
      "flags_raw": "N",
      "id": "15",
      "multi_exec_commands": -1,
      "application_name": "",
      "output_buffer": 0,
      "output_buffer_memory": 0,
      "output_list_length": 0,
      "query": "info",
      "query_buffer": 0,
      "query_buffer_free": 0

Terminate session (MySQL / PostgreSQL)

Terminates a sessions or kills a running query for a Managed Database service by its {uuid}, session {pid} and optional query parameter {terminate}.


DELETE /1.3/database/{uuid}/sessions/{pid}?terminate={terminate} HTTP/1.1

Query parameters

Attribute Accepted value Required Description
terminate true / false no Request immediate termination instead of soft cancel.

Normal response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "success": true

List query statistics (MySQL / PostgreSQL)

Returns a list of query statistics for the Managed Database service by its {uuid} and optional query parameters {limit}, {offset} and {order}. Query statistics will differ depending on the database type.


GET /1.3/database/{uuid}/query-statistics?limit={limit}&offset={offset}&order={order} HTTP/1.1

Query parameters

Attribute Accepted value Default value Required Description
limit 1-5000 10 no Number of entries to receive at most.
offset >= 0 no Offset for retrieved results based on sort order.
order Query stats content variable and sorting order combined with a colon ( "avg_timer_wait:desc" ) PostgreSQL: calls:desc, MySQL: count_star:desc no Order by Query stats content variable and sort retrieved results.

Query statistics content description

Contains information about the returned query statistics variables. Each Managed Database type has its own statistics that may vary depending on the version.


Variable description
avg_timer_wait The average wait time of the summarized timed events, in nanoseconds.
count_star The number of summarized events. This value includes all events, whether timed or nontimed.
digest The statement digest MD5 value as a string of 32 hexadecimal characters, or NULL if the statements_digest consumer is no. For more information about statement digesting.
digest_text The text of the normalized statement digest.
first_seen Timestamps indicating when statements with the given digest value were first seen.
last_seen Timestamps indicating when statements with the given digest value most recently seen.
max_timer_wait The maximum wait time of the summarized timed events, in nanoseconds.
min_timer_wait The minimum wait time of the summarized timed events, in nanoseconds.
quantile_95 The 95th percentile of the statement latency. This percentile is a high estimate, computed from the histogram data collected, in nanoseconds.
quantile_99 Similar to quantile_95 , but for the 99th percentile, in nanoseconds.
quantile_999 Similar to quantile_95 , but for the 99.9th percentile, in nanoseconds.
query_sample_seen A timestamp indicating when the statement in the query_sample_text variable was seen.
query_sample_text A sample SQL statement that produces the digest value in the row. This variable enables applications to access, for a given digest value, a statement actually seen by the server that produces that digest.
query_sample_timer_wait The wait time for the sample statement in the query_sample_text variable, in nanoseconds.
schema_name The name of the schema.
sum_created_tmp_disk_tables The sum of internal on-disk temporary tables created by the server while executing statements.
sum_created_tmp_tables The sum of internal temporary tables created by the server while executing statements.
sum_errors The sum of the errors occurred for the statement.
sum_lock_time The sum of time spent waiting for table locks, in nanoseconds.
sum_no_good_index_used The sum of no good index to use for the statement.
sum_no_index_used The sum of statement performing a table scan without using an index.
sum_rows_affected The sum of rows affected by the statement.
sum_rows_examined The sum of rows examined by the server layer (not counting any processing internal to storage engines).
sum_rows_sent The sum of rows returned by the statement.
sum_select_full_join The sum of joins that perform table scans because they do not use indexes. If this value is not 0, you should carefully check the indexes of your tables.
sum_select_full_range_join The sum of joins that used a range search on a reference table.
sum_select_range The sum of joins that used ranges on the first table. This is normally not a critical issue even if the value is quite large.
sum_select_range_check The sum of joins without keys that check for key usage after each row. If this is not 0, you should carefully check the indexes of your tables.
sum_select_scan The sum of joins that did a full scan of the first table.
sum_sort_merge_passes The sum of merge passes that the sort algorithm has had to do. If this value is large.
sum_sort_range The sum of sorts that were done using ranges.
sum_sort_rows The sum of sorted rows.
sum_sort_scan The sum of sorts that were done by scanning the table.
sum_timer_wait The total wait time of the summarized timed events. This value is calculated only for timed events because nontimed events have a wait time of NULL, in nanoseconds.
sum_warnings The sum of warnings, from the statement diagnostics area.


Variable description
blk_read_time Total time the statement spent reading blocks, in nanoseconds.
blk_write_time Total time the statement spent writing blocks, in nanoseconds.
calls Number of times executed.
database_name The name of the database.
local_blks_dirtied Total number of local blocks dirtied by the statement.
local_blks_hit Total number of local block cache hits by the statement.
local_blks_read Total number of local blocks read by the statement.
local_blks_written Total number of local blocks written by the statement.
max_time Maximum time spent in the statement, in nanoseconds.
mean_time Mean time spent in the statement, in nanoseconds.
min_time Minimum time spent in the statement, in nanoseconds
query Text of a representative statement.
rows Total number of rows retrieved or affected by the statement.
shared_blks_dirtied Total number of shared blocks dirtied by the statement.
shared_blks_hit Total number of shared block cache hits by the statement.
shared_blks_read Total number of shared blocks read by the statement.
shared_blks_written Total number of shared blocks written by the statement.
stddev_time Population standard deviation of time spent in the statement, in nanoseconds.
temp_blks_read Total number of temp blocks read by the statement.
temp_blks_written Total number of temp blocks written by the statement.
total_time Total time spent in the statement, in nanoseconds.
user_name The user that executed the statement.

Normal response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "pg": [
      "blk_read_time": 0,
      "blk_write_time": 0,
      "calls": 57425,
      "database_name": "defaultdb",
      "local_blks_dirtied": 0,
      "local_blks_hit": 0,
      "local_blks_read": 0,
      "local_blks_written": 0,
      "max_time": 133387,
      "mean_time": 1060,
      "min_time": 151,
      "query": "COMMIT",
      "rows": 0,
      "shared_blks_dirtied": 0,
      "shared_blks_hit": 0,
      "shared_blks_read": 0,
      "shared_blks_written": 0,
      "stddev_time": 0,
      "temp_blks_read": 0,
      "temp_blks_written": 0,
      "total_time": 60879904,
      "user_name": "upadmin"
      "blk_read_time": 0,
      "blk_write_time": 0,
      "calls": 47,
      "database_name": "defaultdb",
      "local_blks_dirtied": 0,
      "local_blks_hit": 0,
      "local_blks_read": 0,
      "local_blks_written": 0,
      "max_time": 7123443,
      "mean_time": 1442887,
      "min_time": 819392,
      "query": "SELECT name, setting FROM pg_settings WHERE source = $1",
      "rows": 54,
      "shared_blks_dirtied": 0,
      "shared_blks_hit": 0,
      "shared_blks_read": 0,
      "shared_blks_written": 0,
      "stddev_time": 0,
      "temp_blks_read": 0,
      "temp_blks_written": 0,
      "total_time": 67815714,
      "user_name": "upadmin"
    ... more statistics ...

List metrics

Returns metrics related to a Managed Database service by its {uuid} and query parameter {period}.


GET /1.3/database/{uuid}/metrics?period={period} HTTP/1.1

Query Parameters

Attribute Accepted value Required Description
period hour / day / week / month / year yes Metrics time period.

Normal response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "cpu_usage": {
    "data": {
      "cols": [
        { "label": "time", "type": "date" },
        { "label": "test-1 (master)", "type": "number" },
        { "label": "test-2 (standby)", "type": "number" }
      "rows": [
        ["2022-01-21T13:10:30Z", 2.744682398273781, 3.054323473090861],
        ["2022-01-21T13:11:00Z", 3.0735645433218366, 2.972423595745795],
        ["2022-01-21T13:11:30Z", 2.61619694060839, 3.1358378052207883],
        ["2022-01-21T13:12:00Z", 3.275132296130991, 4.196249043309251]
    "hints": { "title": "CPU usage %" }
  "disk_usage": {
    "data": {
      "cols": [
        { "label": "time", "type": "date" },
        { "label": "test-1 (master)", "type": "number" },
        { "label": "test-2 (standby)", "type": "number" }
      "rows": [
        ["2022-01-21T13:10:30Z", 5.654416415900109, 5.58959125727556],
        ["2022-01-21T13:11:00Z", 5.654416415900109, 5.58959125727556],
        ["2022-01-21T13:11:30Z", 5.654416415900109, 5.58959125727556]
    "hints": { "title": "Disk space usage %" }
  "diskio_reads": {
    "data": {
      "cols": [
        { "label": "time", "type": "date" },
        { "label": "test-1 (master)", "type": "number" },